Technical
Training
Guide
the
Error
text
box
there
may
be
a
configuration
issue
that
will
prevent
automatic
printing.
(See
Figure
16)
To
view
Actual
values
for
each
Channel,
left
click
the
View
Button.
If
there
is
a
network
related
error,
a
Kepserver
configuration
error,
or
a
Address
error,
the
Quality
of
the
specific
value
will
display
“BAD”.
If
the
value
is
being
read
properly
then
the
Quality
will
display
If
displayed
values
match
actual
values
in
the
then
all
networking
and
configuration
has
been
completed
successfully.
(See
Figure
17)
Figure
Maintenance
–
Database
Backup
and
Deletion
of
Error
Log
Maintenance
functions
include
database
backup
and
deletion
of
error
log.
The
number
of
Scans
(planned
executions),
the
number
of
Executions
(successful
executions),
and
the
Time
Stamp
of
the
last
Maintenance
event
occurrence
is
displayed
in
the
Maintenance
text
boxes.
If
there
is
an
error
there
will
be
a
red
“Error”
message
in
the
Error
text
box.
Errors
usually
are
a
result
of
database
backup
locations
being
set
to
directories
that
don’t
exist.
The
Back
‐
up
File
Location
can
be
changed
in
Settings
along
with
the
frequency
of
Back
‐
up
execution
and
the
length
of
time
to
save
Error
Log
Messages.
(See
Figure
and
Figure
12)
Last
Printed
Label
The
Last
Printed
Label
for
each
Channel
is
displayed
at
the
bottom
of
the
Mission
Control
Page.
This
can
be
used
as
a
troubleshooting
tool
to
view
exactly
what
gets
sent
to
the
printer
including
Time
Stamps
and
dynamic
text
that
may
change
from
one
label
to
the
next.
(See
Figure
16)
Task
Manager
Enable/Disable
The
Windows
Task
Manager
is
disabled
on
start
up
to
prevent
Mission
Control
from
being
shutdown
without
knowledge
of
the
password
through
Windows.
The
Windows
Task
Manager
can
be
enabled
by
clicking
the
Task
Manager
Button
and
entering
the
correct
system
password.
The
Windows
Task
Manager
can
be
disabled
again
by
doing
the
same.
(See
Figure
16)
Revision
1.0
‐
of