2F-85 & 2F-140 - Instruction Manual
3.5. Electrical Setup
Power and communication are established with the 2-Finger Adaptive Gripper via a single device cable. The device cable provides
a 24V power supply to the gripper and enables serial RS485 communication to the robot controller. An optional Robotiq Universal
Controller may be used between the gripper and the network / robot controller if fieldbus communication is required.
RS485 signals (485+, 485- and 485 GND) are isolated from the main 24V power supply. GND can be connected to any
other ground reference as long as the voltage potential between the grounds does not exceed 250V. Grounding
reference is at the user's discretion.
Fig. 3-7: Robotiq 2-Finger electrical isolation / grounding.
3.5.1. Electrostatic Discharge Safety
Robotiq 2F-85 & 2F-140 Gripper are not ESD safe. If installed properly using the tooth lock washers, the casing and internal
mechanism are grounded through the screws used to mount the gripper on the coupling. The same is true for the coupling. For
the 2F grippers, the finger mechanisms and fingertips are isolated from the rest of the gripper. It is therefore not possible to
discharge any electrostatic charge that would build up on the part through the gripper.