This guide assumes the use of an RM Solar Filling Pump, no other methods are supported by RM
Solar as they can often lead to excess air in the system.
Prior To Filling The System
Cover the panels 30 minutes before filling the system, and leave covered whilst filling. (If it is not
possible to cover the panels, fill the system when there is little solar energy, e.g. early morning, late
Ensure the expansion vessel pressure has been set correctly at 2.5 bar.
Connecting The Filling Pump
At the Pump Station:
1. Connect the right hand hose (Side with the pressure gauge) of the pumping station to the top
filling pump connection of the filling pump.
2. Connect the left hand hose of the filling pump to the bottom filling connection on the solar
pumping station.
3. Twist the red and blue temperature gauges on the solar pump station 45
4. Close the grub screw (twist all the way in) on the solar pump station, this is between the pump
and the flow gauge.
5. Open the butterfly valves on the pump station where the filling pump hoses are connected,
manually open any zone valves ect on the solar primary pipe work.
At the Filling Pump:
1. Open the right hand isolation valve, close the left hand isolation valve and open the isolation
valve beneath the white tank.
2. Fill the white tank at least half full.
Running The Filling Pump
1. Switch on the filling pump - keep the tank topped up to half full.
2. The pressure can be adjusted using the fill pressure regulator on the filling pump.
Whilst Filling:
1. Whilst filling open the bleed screw on the solar circulating pump, expel all the air and then re-
2. Allow the filling pump to circulate for approximately 1 hour.
3. Check in the filling tank that no air bubbles are returning with the glycol.
4. Close the isolating valve on the solar pump station beneath the circulating pump.
5. Allow the system to pressurise to between 3-4 bar.
6. Close the isolation valve beneath the pressure gauge beneath the pressure gauge on the solar
pump station.
7. Switch off the filling pump and close the isolation valves.
8. Remove and drain the hoses from the solar pump station.
Section 6 - Fil
ling The S
Filling The System