Inspector 5000
™ Auto Optic
’s Guide
RJS, Minneapolis, MN
5.2 Screen Navigation
The Inspector 5000 screens are navigated by using the
seven buttons on the keypad.
Up Arrow
Left Arrow
Down Arrow
Right Arrow
For normal operations
Left Arrow and Right Arrow buttons change which
screen (Grade/Encode/Profile/Report) is displayed
Up Arrow and Down Arrow buttons move the cursor up
and down on the current screen
Print button will send the inspection report(s) to either the
TP140A printer or the VCIR PC software program.
Special Functions
Power button, in addition to turning the unit On and Off,
the Power button will toggle between normal operations
and displaying the Instruction screens
To display the Calibration screen - press and hold the
Print button and then press the Left Arrow button
To display the Setup screen - press and hold the Print
button and then press the Right Arrow button
To display the System Information screen - press and
hold the Print button and then press the Power button