General Installation Manual for RISEN Photovoltaic Modules.
Please read this manual completely before installing or using the modules.
This manual is applied for the following products:
SYP-85S, SYP-110S, SYP-160S, SYP-165S, SYP-170S, SYP-175S,SYP-180S, SYP-200S, SYP-210S
Thank you for choosing RISEN PV modules. With proper operation and maintenance, RISEN PV modules will
provide you with clean, renewable solar electricity for many years.
Keep this manual for reference. This manual contains important information about installation, maintenance and
Disclaimer of Liability
RISEN does not assume responsibility and expressly disclaims liability for loss, damage, or expense arising out
of or in any way connected with such installation, operation use or maintenance by using this manual.RISEN
ssumes no responsibility for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from use of the
module. No license is granted by implication or under any patent or patent rights. The information in this manual is
elieved to be reliable, but does not constitute an expressed and implied warranty. RISEN reserves the right to make
changes to the product, specifications, or manual without prior notice..
General Information
The installation of solar modules requires a great degree of skill and should only be performed by a qualified
licensed professional, including, without limitation, licensed contractors and licensed electricians.
All instructions should be read and understood before attempting to install, wire operate and maintain the
photovoltaic module. Contact with electrically active parts of the module such as terminals can result in burns,
sparks, and lethal shock whether the module is connected or disconnected.
The installer assumes the risk of all injury that might occur during installation, including, without limitation, the risk
of electric shock.
PV modules generate DC electrical energy when exposed to sunlight or other light sources. Although single
modules produce only a low voltage and current, shocks and burns are still a potential hazard.
To avoid the hazard of electric shock and injury, cover all over the front surface of PV modules with a dense
opaque material such as the cardboard box during installing and handling modules.