Installation & Servicing Instructions Rinnai E-Series
15.2 Blocks
An error, which has been detected, is indicated on the display by a block message.
Blocks can be temporary in nature. The controller will do everything possible to prevent
a system lock and temporarily switching off the boiler as a result of a block. Please
see below for a summary of blocks.
with a fi gure on the last 2 characters.
External safety contact open
Rectify error as a result of which by determining contact is open.
Or repair interconnection between 24/25
Outdoor sensor contact open (not
Rectify error as a result of which by determining contact is open or
outdoor sensor is not connected.
Connect outdoor sensor or repair wiring (position 18/19) or replace
outdoor sensor.
Incorrect parameter setting for the
minimum or maximum power
Call Rinnai
A temperature diff erence has been
detected between the supply and
return sensor whilst the burner is
not in operation. After the average
T has disappeared, the block will
Check the supply and return sensor for the resistance value and replace
the defective sensor
Check the installation for any external heat source and rectify this
fl ue sensor temperature too high
Check vent system
fl ue sensor or thermostat contact
Call Rinnai
fl ue sensor or thermostat contact
Call Rinnai
fl ue gas thermostat contact open
Check vent system
or check parameter 84 for default
no water fl ow can be detected
through the controller. De-aeration
cycle is started. When water fl ow
is detected during this cycle, the
de-aeration cycle is terminated
and the burner is released.
The controller checks the water
pressure during static and
dynamic situation.
- check the installation for the presence of air;If there is a secondary
pump installed and it is not hydraulicly separated, it could cause
pressure diff erences.
- check the use of balancing valves
check if the pump is functioning and/or that the water pressure sensor is
working properly;
Polluted pump;
Polluted water pressure sensor;
Polluted water fi lter;
Wiring of pump.
The frequence of the power supply
deviates more than + or -1.5Hz
check the main power supply