Rinnai 19
Ducted Gas Heater IM
SP4UN series heaters that are installed in the roof or beneath the floor shall comply with the following guidelines
and AS/NZS 5601.
5.3.1 Installation in the Roof Space
• The area under the heater must be capable of supporting the additional load, without causing deformation of
any part of the building structure.
• The appliance must be accessible by means of fixed access, a normal ladder or steps.
• A passage of 600mm wide must be provided between the roof access opening and the heater.
• This passage must have a suitable walkway of at least 19mm thick particle board or equivalent.
• A permanent level platform must be provided beneath the heater and this platform area must extend 750mm out
from the controls access panel side and fan motor access panel side/s for the entire length of the heater.
• The air gap created between the base of the heater and the platform by the heater’s legs must be maintained.
• Permanent artificial lighting must be provided at the heater, with the switch located at the roof access opening.
• If a lay-down kit is used the supporting platform must be covered with a fire resistant material.
5.3.2 Installation Beneath the Floor
• There must be a minimum clearance of 200mm between any part of the appliance and the lowest part of the
floor structure. In addition to this, refer to Service Clearances 3.3 (internal) or (external).
• The heater must be located within 2m of the access opening, or with a minimum clearance of 1.2m between the
lowest part of the floor structure and ground level, maintained from the access opening to the heater.
• All under floor installations must be on a level concrete base (50mm thick), and provision made to drain any
condensate, seepage or ground water away from the heater.
• Permanent artificial lighting must be provided at the heater with the switch located at the access opening.
• Lateral (horizontal) flues may be installed in accordance with AS/NZS 5601, ensuring that the lateral flue section
has a minimum rise of a 20mm per metre of lateral run.
• The flue must be terminated outside the building in accordance with AS/NZS 5601. For SP4UN series heaters,
termination can be performed using a remote terminal. Refer to para 6.1.3.
5.3.3 Ventilation Calculations
For installation of universal heaters in a room, enclosure, residential garage, or plant room with natural ventilation
conditions, ensure adequate ventilation is available by utilising the following formulae:
Properties Approved for Construction prior to 31st March 2014
Determine if the rating per cubic metre of the space is greater than 3MJ/hr.
Unit rating (Ur)
= 120MJ/hr
Room volume (Rv) = 1m x 1m x 2.4m = 2.4m
= 120/2.4 = 50 MJ/hr per m
As the result is greater than 3 MJ/hr per cubic metre of the space, additional ventilation is required.
Two permanent openings are required, each equivalent in area to the determined value A. The lower vent shall
be located close to the floor or at burner level. The upper vent shall be located at or above the top of the unit.
The two openings may be combined as long as the above conditions are met.
Determine free ventilation area using A = T x F, where:
A = minimum free ventilation area, mm
T = total gas consumption of all gas appliances, MJ/hr. e.g. SP421UN = 90MJ/hr
F = factor (detailed in the table below)