Family Aqua Condens 3.5 BIS
Before loosening or removing the closing tap of the circulator,
protect the underlying electrical devices from possible water
First commissioning
- Adjust the ambient temperature thermostat to the desired temper-
ature (~20°C) or, if the system is equipped with a programmable
thermostat or timer, ensure that the thermostat or timer is "active"
and set correctly (~20°C)
- Every time the boiler is powered, an automatic bleed cycle begins
(lasting about 2 minutes). The display will simultaneously show: 43
. Press the
key to interrupt the automatic venting cycle. If
the check is correctly terminated, the boiler will be ready to operate
at the end of the automatic venting cycle. The boiler switches back
on in the status it occupied before switch-off. If the boiler is in the
heating mode when it is turned off, it turns back on in the same
mode; if it is OFF, the display will show ENERGY FOR LIFE.
- Press the
key to activate operation.
- Press the key
and turn the encoder A to select the required
heating water temperature.
The large digits will light up on the display, indicating the selected
temperature value.
Adjusting the heating temperature with an external probe con-
If an external probe is present, the delivery temperature is automati-
cally selected by the system, which adjusts the ambient temperature
according to variations in the outside temperature.
The display shows the external probe icon, and only a central seg-
ment is lit up in the heating comet.
If you want to modify the temperature value, increasing or reducing
it in relation to the value automatically calculated by the electronic
card, proceed as follows:
- press the heating temperature adjustment key
. The two digits
will show the number corresponding to the set comfort level (fac-
tory setting).
- turn the encoder A to raise or lower the chosen comfort level (the
1, +2 etc.. or -1, -2 etc. appears on the two digits B, cor-
responding to the chosen comfort level). The segment lit up in the
heating comet will rise or fall. The correction range is between - 5
and + 5 comfort levels.
These corrections are very important in the mid-seasons, when the
value calculated by the curve may be too low and the room heating
time therefore too long. When 3 seconds have passed since the last
modification, the value is automatically stored and the display again
shows the value measured instantaneously by the probe.
Adjustment of the domestic hot water temperature
- Press the key
and turn the encoder A to select the required
DHW temperature. The large digits will light up on the display, in-
dicating the selected temperature value. After a few seconds, the
display will again show the outlet temperature actually measured
by the boiler probe. The display will show the storage tank temper-
ature only when the domestic water icon is flashing. The display in-
dicates the storage tank temperature if there is a heat request from
the domestic water system. At the end of a storage tank heating
cycle therefore, the tap icon on the domestic water comet switches
off and the display shows the outlet temperature (that may fall well
below the temperature of the storage tank domestic hot water).
- Press the
key to select the type of operation. Depending on
the type of operation chosen, the display will visualise just the do-
mestic water comet (heating function deactivated) or both comets
(heating function activated).
The following conditions may occur:
- if there is no heat request the boiler will be in "standby"
- if there is a heat request, the boiler will start up and one of the
flames will light up according to the type of request. The display
indicates the temperature in the boiler, or the temperature of the
domestic hot water if the firing is due to a domestic water request.
The Family Aqua Condens 3.5 BIS boiler will continue to function
until the adjusted temperatures are reached, after which it will be in
If there are any firing or operation faults, the boiler will make a “safety
stop”; the display will show a flashing code and the RESET and
icons will appear (simultaneously or otherwise).
For the description of the fault and to reset the starting conditions see
the section “Display and fault codes".