1200 Series SmartPanels 1.1 User Manual
Keyword Index
- A -
About 1200 Series SmartPanels 8
AES3 Cat 24
AES3 Coax 24
AES67 4-wire App 37
Air Filter Replacement 21
Arbeitsfläche (Work Surface) 32
Asset Drawer 31
Audio (technical specifications) 14, 22
Audio A/B (Paramter Drawer) 33
Audio connector pinout 41
- B -
Block Diagram Audio connector 41
BNC 39
Brightness (Panel-Menu) 24
- C -
CE Declaration of Conformity 5
Change History 6
Common Signalization 29
Configuration Support 42
contact 42
Current Mode 24
- D -
Daily Maintenance Recommendations 42
Date 24
Demos 25
Device-Info (Panel-Menu) 24
display 29
Display Brightness 24
Disposal 6
- E -
Email 42
Environment 5
ETH port pinout 39
Expansion port pinout 39
- F -
Fan / dust Filters Maintenance Recommendations 42
Fax 42
Firmware Manager 33
Firmware Update 35
Firmware Update (USB pen drive) 35
Firmware Update (Web Interface) 36
Firmware Version 7
Front Elements (technical specifications) 14, 22
FW Version 24
- G -
General Maintenance Recommendations 42
General Settings 34
GPI IN port pinout 40
GPI OUT port pinout 40
group color 29
- H -
Headset connector pinout 41
- I -
Individualization the Asset List 32
Info-Display (RSP-1216HL) 13
Info-Display (RSP-1232HL) 20
Information 5
Input Voltage GPI IN port 40
Intercom App 26
Intercom App (Operation) 26
- K -
key ring 29
Key-Banks 30
Key-Display Functions (Intercom-App) 27
- L -
Laser Safety 6
LED Brightness 24
Lever Key Numbering (Intercom-App) 18
Lever Key Numbering (RSP-1216HL) 11
Lever-Groups 29
Lever-Key Functions (Intercom-App) 26
Licensing 26
Log Files 25
- M -
Maintenance Recommendations 42
Matrix (Panel-Menu) 25
Matrix connector pinout 39
MGNT port pinout 39
Monthly Maintenance Recommendations 42
- N -
Navigation (Panel-Menu RSP-1216HL) 13
Navigation (Panel-Menu RSP-1232HL) 20
Network (Panel-Menu) 24
- O -
Open (Panel-Menu RSP-1216HL) 13
Operating Elements (RSP-1216HL) 9
Operating Elements (RSP-1232HL) 16
Operation (Intercom App) 26
Operation-Modes 30
Output Voltage GPIO 40
Overall (technical specifications) 15, 23
- P -
Packet Settings 34
Panel-Menu 24
Panel-Menu RSP-1216HL (Navigation) 13
Panel-Menu RSP-1216HL (Open) 13
Panel-Menu RSP-1232HL (Navigation) 20
Parameter Drawer 33
Paramter Drawer (Audio A/B) 33
Polarity GPI IN port 40
Polarity GPI OUT port 40
Ports/Pinouts 39
Power Supply Maintenance Recommendations 42
Power-Up (Intercom-App) 18
Power-Up (RSP-1216HL) 11
Preface 4
- R -
Rear Elements (technical specifications) 14, 22
Reboot Panel 25
Repair 42
Replacing the Air Filter 21
Reset RSP-1216HL 15
Reset RSP-1232HL 23
RSP-1216HL SmartPanel 9
RSP-1232HL SmartPanel 16
- S -
Save to USB 25
Schematic GPI IN port 40
Schematic GPI OUT port 40
Scroll Lists (Intercom-App) 27
Selected Mode 24
Service (Panel-Menu) 25