micro CA-350 Inspection Camera
Figure 14 – Adjusting LED
Zoom :
The micro CA-350 Inspection Camer a
has a 2.0x digital zoom. Simply press the up
and down arrows while in the live screen
to zoom in or out. A zoom indicator bar will be
displayed on the screen as you adjust your
Figure 15 – Adjusting Zoom
Image Rotation :
If needed, the image/video
seen on the screen can be rotated in 90 de-
gree increments counter clockwise by press-
ing the rotate image button .
Image Capture
Capturing a Still Image
While in the live screen, make sure the still
camera icon is present at the top left por-
tion of the screen. Press the shutter button to
capture the image. The save icon will mo-
mentarily appear on the screen. This indi-
cates the still image has been saved to the
internal memory or SD™ card.
Capturing a Video
While in the live screen, make sure the video
camera icon is present at the top left por-
tion of the screen. Press the shutter button to
start capturing video. When the device is
recording a video, a red outline will flash around
the video mode icon and the recording duration
will show at the top of the screen. Press the
shutter button again to stop the video. It may
take several seconds to save the video if sav-
ing to the internal memory.
The micro CA-350 features an integrated mi-
crophone and speaker for recording and play-
back of audio with video. A headset with inte-
grated microphone is included and may be
used instead of the integrated speaker and
microphone. Plug the headset into the audio
port on the right side of the camera.
5. When the inspection is complete, carefully
withdraw the camera and cable from the
inspection area.
Figure 16 – Video Recording Screen
Pressing the Menu button at any time will
access the menu. The menu will overlay on the
LIVE Screen. From the menu, the user will
be able to change to the various modes or
enter the settings menu.
There are different setting categories to choose
(Figure 17)
while in the settings screen.
Use the right and left arrow buttons to
switch from one category to the next. Use the
up and down arrows to navigate the menu
items. The selected category will be high-
lighted with a bright red outline. Once the de-
sired setting is reached, press select to change
to the new selection. The changes are auto-
matically saved when they are changed.
While in menu mode, you can press the Return
button to return to the previous screen or to
the live screen.