2.1 Origin setting
Origin is the start point when printing. Before printing, set the position of the origin up to the paper
position. You must make sure the marker is totally inside the paper when setting the origin.
LCD displays: Operation process:
Turn on plotter, and it shows welcome to use
enrich plotter.
Press „7‟ to pause the plotter. LCD displays to
enter into the origin setting function.
Press „4‟or „6‟ to move the print head left/right.
ss„2‟or „8‟to move the paper front/back.
Set the origin at the position that needed.
Press „5‟to save the setting and turn back to
main screen.
Press „7‟not save the setting
and return to main screen. Press „1‟ to enter
into the basic operation menu.
If the origin is not set correctly, it may cause the marker is not totally plot on the paper, if the origin
position is too big, it may cause the width of the marker is bigger than the plotting width and can not
Never set the origin outside the paper.
Don‟t modify the origin regularly after setting the correct origin.
Never set the origin when plotting, it may cause the plotter dead or other abnormal status.
We advise you set the origin to make sure the marker is in the middle of the paper for the best
Press ‘5’ to
save setting
Initializing successfully
2: back 8:front
4: left 6:right
Press ‘7’
System initialing
Please waiting!
2: back 8:front
4: left 6:right
Press ‘7’
Press 2468
Welcome to use
Richforever plotter