4. Remove the knob, retaining nuts and lock washer
from the push-pull switch and insert the shaft of
the switch into the newly drilled hole.
5. Secure using the lock washer and retaining nuts.
Reattach the knob.
KEY-51 Key Switch Installation
1. Disconnect the original key switch and remove it from the center compartment.
Retain the hardware.
2. Install KEY-51 in the same location where the original key switch
was removed using the Original Hardware.
3. Disconnect the push-pull switch at the spade terminals.
4. Connect the two spade connectors from the original key
switch to “B” and “I” on the back of KEY-51. Connect the two
spade connectors from the push-pull switch to “B1” and “L”.
Headlight Installation
1. Insert the headlights from behind the front cowl.
The tension clips (yellow) will remain behind the
cowl, keeping the lights in place.
2. Connect the headlight connectors on the harness
to the matching connectors on the headlights.
3. Secure any loose wires with cable ties.
Taillight Installation
1. Connect the taillights to the taillight leads
on the main harness.
2. Insert the taillight assemblies into the holes
cut out earlier. Once in place, secure with
the (8) Included Screws.
3. Secure the taillight wires to the frame with
cable ties so they are safely out of the way
of the tires.
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