PN01805 REV00
R151 Tethered Temperature Sensor Installation Guide
The R151 Tethered Temperature Sensor is a battery-powered RF transmitter that monitors and reports the temperature
measured by a digital thermometer located at the end of a 6-foot plenum-rated tether cable. This design provides physical
separation between the RF transmitter and the sealed temperature sensor. This allows the tethered sensor cable to be in-
stalled in harsh environments, particularly when compared to the R150 Temperature Tag. The R151 Tethered Tempera-
ture Sensor is ideal for monitoring within freezers or other areas where condensation occurs.
This form factor is particularly well-suited for environments where the RF transmitter is mounted in open space while
the temperature sensor is installed inside RF-blocking enclosures such as a metal duct work or refrigerators. Mount-
ing is easy and flexible. The temperature tether sensor cable can be routed into difficult to reach places, such as above a
suspended ceiling or inside HVAC air ducts. The RF transmitter will report its own unique ID, along with the ambient
temperature measured by the temperature sensor every 20 seconds.
RF Code’s Environmental Monitoring solution line is made up of:
• R120 Door Tag
• R130 Dry Contact Tag
• R135 Fluid Detector Tag
• R150 Rack Temperature Tag
• R151 Tethered Temperature Sensor
• R155 Humidity-Temperature Tag
• R160 Air Pressure Tag
• R170 PDU Family of Tags
• Sensor Manager Software
Features of the R151 Tethered Temperature Sensor include:
• Operating temperature range from -67° F to 212° F
• Temperature reporting accuracy of +/- 2° F between 14° F and 185° F and accuracy of +/- 4° F below 14° F and
above 185° F
• The temperature sensor can be installed inside metal enclosures without affecting RF transmission range
• Removable and re-attachable temperature sensor
• Temperature sensor design suitable for use in plenum spaces
• Real-time temperature monitoring for harsh environments (e.g., higher/lower temperatures and condensation
compared to the R150 temperature tag)
• Leverages existing RF Code active RFID infrastructures
The contents of the R151 Tethered Temperature Sensor package are:
• R151 RF transmitter with 6 ft. temperature sensor tether cable
• Adhesive pads for mounting
• Three tie-wraps and tie-wrap mounts (for positioning temperature sensor)
• Printed R151 Installation Guide
R151 Tethered
Temperature Sensor