• Installation & Maintenance Instructions
(Page 8 of 15)
Type UJ • Sizes 302 thru 312
08/20 (Supersedes 01/18)
866-REXNORD/866-739-6673 (Within the U.S.)
© Rexnord Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
414-643-2366 (Outside the U.S.)
Drive must be supported during removal process.
Use a sling around the gear drive and take up slack before
1. If drive is to be removed from drive shaft, remove seal
housing fasteners as illustrated in Figure 11, Page 7.
If drive is to be removed with drive shaft attached, remove
trough end mounting fasteners and drive shaft coupling
fasteners. Remove assembly from trough.
2. Remove thrust plate fastener, retaining ring and thrust plate
from hollow shaft. Refer to Table 2, Page 3 to select the
appropriate backing bolt, nut and flat washer required.
3. Install backing bolt, nut and flat washer into drive shaft as
illustrated in Figure 4, Page 3. The head of the backing
bolt provides a working surface for the removal bolt.
4. Reinsert thrust plate and retaining ring into hollow shaft.
Refer to Table 3, Page 4 to select the appropriate
removal bolt required. Thread removal bolt into the thrust
plate until it contacts the backing bolt head. Torque
removal bolt to the value specified in Table 3, Page 4.
Note: If thrust plate rotates in shaft, align slot in plate with
hollow shaft keyway and insert a screwdriver or piece of
key stock to prevent rotation of plate.
5. After torquing the removal bolt as instructed, if the
shaft does not separate from the drive, strike the bolt
sharply with a hammer and retorque the bolt. Repeat
this procedure, retorquing the bolt after each strike of a
hammer until separation occurs.
Failure to follow this procedure may result in the
destruction of threads in thrust plate.
6. If the drive was removed with seal housing and drive shaft
attached, remove seal housing fasteners to separate seal
housing and drive shaft from gear drive. Determine the
type of seal in the seal housing; (a) Waste Packing Seal, or
(b) Lip Seal. Proceed as follows for removal of drive shaft
from seal housing:
(a) Waste Packing Seal (Figure 11, Page 7) —
Remove key from drive shaft keyway. Remove waste
packing material and remove seal housing toward
tapered end of drive shaft.
(b) Lip Seal (Figure 10, Page 6) — Remove key from
drive shaft keyway. Remove any burrs from tapered
end of shaft and wrap entire length with masking
tape or a light weight Kraft paper to protect seal lips
during removal. Carefully remove seal housing toward
tapered end of drive shaft.
Use tightening torque values specified in Table 8 for fastening
gear drives, motors and accessories to their mounting surfaces
with non-lubricated fasteners. DO NOT use these values for
“torque locking” fasteners or for fastening components with
aluminum feet or with soft gaskets or vibration dampers on the
mounting surface. If the tightening torque exceeds the capacity
of the torque wrench, use a torque multiplier. Use Grade 5
fasteners for diameters through 1.50".
Table 8 — Tightening Torques – lb-in (Nm) ±5%
DO NOT Lubricate Fasteners
Thread Dia – UNC
Metal to Metal
Metal to Concrete
90 (10)
70 (7)
185 (20)
145 (16)
330 (37)
255 (28)
825 (93)
640 (72)
1640 (185)
1280 (144)
2940 (332)
2290 (258)
6800 (769)
5700 (644)
Metric Fasteners
Feet to
Drive †
Feet to Customer
Output Flange †
High Speed
Motor Adapter
. . .
88 (9)
88 (9)
. . .
220 (24)
160 (18)
450 (50)
450 (50)
330 (37)
750 (84)
750 (84)
570 (64)
1770 (200)
1770 (200)
1330 (150)
3100 (350)
3100 (350)
. . .
† Fasteners listed are Grade 8.
For assembling motors, high speed adapters, feet or output
flanges to drives, refer to the tightening torque values listed
in Table 8 for metric fasteners. Use ISO grade 8.8 minimum
fasteners for securing feet, output flanges or torque arms to
Table 9 lists the minimum bolt diameter requirements for
securing drive to the support structure using mounting feet
accessory kit. Bolt length is dependent on mounting structure
and is to be determined by installation personnel.
Table 9 — Foot Mounted Hold Down Fasteners †
Metric Fastener
Standard Fastener
.375-16 UNC
.500-13 UNC
.625-11 UNC
.750-10 UNC
† Fasteners listed are Grade 8.