Switching standby modes OFF
All standby modes can be switched off by sending SMS command:
"sleep+pspace+off". Please note if you are using your
104-PRO in self contained , self powered mode, we do not recommend
turning standby modes off as the battery standby duration will be
reduced to 3 days.
sleep123456 off
sleep off ok!
1. Geo-Fence (Virtual Fence)
1.1 This function allows you to create safety zones of your choice. When 104
PRO enters or leaves this pre-determined zone, it will send geo-fence
alarm warning to authorized numbers.
When the unit stays immobile in a place for 3-10 minutes, you can send
SMS “spspace+latitude,longitude;latitude,longitude” to
the unit to set the restricted area. In case of a breach, it will send SMS
“stlocation” to the authorized numbers every 3 minutes. Tracker
will stop sending alarm if the tracker returns to the restricted area
Note: The first latitude & longitude is coordinate of the top left corner of the
Geo-fence, while the second latitude & longitude is the coordinate of the
bottom right corner.