14.5 Data logging function also enables you to use this tracker as a GPS logger.
You can download the location data to your PC by using the free PC
software provided, through USB connection.
15. Forwarding incoming SMS messages
15.1 104 PRO can forward incoming messages from pre-set third party number .
To activate this function, send "pspace+third parties
phone number" from an authorized phone number. The tracker will reply
"forward ok", and start forwarding SMS messages received from that
number. Only one number can be set-up for SMS forwarding.
forward123456 07776665544
forward ok
15.2 To cancel SMS forwarding send SMS command "nopassword".
Example: noforward123456
no forward ok
16. Remote immobilizing
Send command “stop+password” to 103-RS. Once the immobilize function
has been executed, it will reply “Stop engine Succeed”. It will remain
immobile until you send command to resume the fuel supply. Before using
the stop command, please select execute immediately mode or normal
Example: stop123456
Stop engine succeed