interval setting used for live tracking will override this the standby and
keep the TK102-NANO awake so GPRS economy mode should also be
activated. Please use both commands ;
"sleep+pspace+deepshock" and
sleep123456 deepshock
sleep shock ok!
less gprs123456 on
sleep shock ok!
Please note that by default each time the 104-PRO wakes up from deep
sleep, it will send a notification SMS message to authorized numbers. You
can cancel this function anytime by sending SMS command :
"wake+space+off" . This way you will not get an SMS notification
each time it wakes up.
wake123456 off
wake off ok!
Schedule work standby mode
In scheduled work standby mode 104-PRO is able to switch itself OFF
and only wake up at pre-set intervals. When it wakes up it will work for
5 minutes, report its location (SMS or Internet) and switch OFF. If you
are using your 104-PRO in live, internet tracking mode and would like
to use schedule work mode, you will also have to activate less gprs
mode. If GPRS economy mode is not active the auto interval update will
override the schedule standby and keep your tracker awake.