Manual rEvo III
Gently tap on the side of the canister with one hand, whilst turning it around with the
other hand.
When the absorbent has filled up the canister freeing the central screw, put the mesh,
grid, spring and handle back in place and turn the screw until the spring is completely
compressed (but not over-tightened).
Continue tapping the side of the canister evenly with both hands for about one minute
whilst tightening down the grid. Keep on turning until the spring is completely pushed
down. Do not overtighten, if you do so your risk you separate the bracket from the
The correct filling amount is reached when after correct tapping there is +/- 5 mm
between the top of the grid and the top of the canister.
The fresh canister is now ready for use (if you do the cycling, mount it in the lower
scrubber cavity of the rebreather!) (for cycling: see FAQ on the website).
If the canister is not to be used immediately, we stronlgy advice to put it in a plastic
bag or airtight container. This will protect the scrubber material from drying out. If it
is too dry, the scrubber will not work properly. Be careful not to expose the canister to
(direct) sunlight !
never re-use absorbent material
that has been partially used and poured
out of the canister!
Note: never try to use the dregs of absorbent in the container: it merely consists of
dust. When packing, be careful not to tap the canisters too long or too hard, doing so
may turn the granules to dust. This will negatively affect the WOB.