Manual rEvo III
Addendum 1
‘TOP marker’
To assure that divers don’t make errors when exchanging scrubbers, a marker is
added on top of the canister on the exhale lung, indicating that that canister is placed
on ‘TOP’ position in the rebreather
When after a dive, you want to exchange one scrubber, (cycle), follow exactly this
If you make it a habit to immediately empty a canister when you have removed the
‘TOP-MARKER’, you will not make a mistake when exchanging/filling/replacing
canisters. So:
1 - take the top canister, with the ‘TOP-MARKER’ out of your rebreather
2 - unscrew the ‘TOP-MARKER’ from the canister and immediately empty that
(you are now sure you emptied the exhausted canister)
3 - screw the ‘TOP-MARKER’ on the remaining (full) canister, and either put that
canister in the upper position of the unit, or if you are finished diving, in a sealed
container or plastic bag.
4 - fill up the empty canister, and put it in the lower position of the rebreather, or in a
sealed container if you finished diving
5 – fill in your log that you refilled the bottom canister with fresh sorb