SERENA P GB-R04 del 03-07-17
00/Per Bertani/Manuali d’uso Serena/ Serena con stampante
We recommend that you print a number of labels equal to the number of STERILIZED bags because each LABEL will
be attached to AN ENVELOPE. Moreover, if you do not possess a bar code reader, YOU NEED TO print as many
labels THAT will be associated with that patient. Another label will be printed for filing.
If you own a bar code reader, you only need to print the labels to be attached to the envelope as they will then proceed
through the reader to the association to the patient.
Another label will always be printed for filing.
At the END OF THE CYCLE the following screen appears:
12/07/11 12:04.09
60.5°C 983 mbar
50:39 NC0112 00:00
To return to the menu, press START. Pressing ESC / INFO the information related to the ended cycle will be displaied.