RESQTEC Manual POW’RENCH Series (DM072K04)
A particular application is defined as nuts and bolts that are identical in shape, size material and number of threads.
The metal being fastened must also be of the same shape, size and material and if the machinery or object being worked
upon is a non-rigid or movable item, it must generally have the same degree of rigidity or mobility as it has at the time
the required number of impacts are determined. The degree of impact produced by the Pow’rench is dependent on the
amount of resistance encountered. Therefore, anything which directly or indirectly affects the amount of resistance
encountered also affects the total number of impacts required to do the fastening job.
The Pow’rench will repeatedly render a specific torque on any given application once the impact requirement is
established. Thereafter the same number of impacts may be used in the same applications provided there have been no
changes as defined in the definition of a particular application above.
Once the number of impacts to obtain torque is ascertained, repeat the process three times for assurance.