Revision 2.3
Page 54 of 72
Commissioning & Service Guide DMTouch
Please Note
The specifications of the product detailed on this
Set-Up Guide may change without notice. RDM
Ltd. shall not be liable for errors or for incidental
or consequential damages, directly and indirectly,
in connection with the furnishing, performance or
misuse of this product or document.
Ensure that all power is
switched off before
installing or maintaining
this product
The Energy Monitoring feature can be setup from two sources that are logged on to the DMTouch. The fields along with their
descriptions, within the setup page, are listed below;
Default Home Page
- Allows the user to se
lect the ‘primary’ page that will be displayed upon entering the ‘Energy
Monitor’ Home page. Choose between; Summary, Today, Month, Budget, Graph, Live Data or
Source #1 Description
Enter a Description of the energy monitor. For example ‘Gas Usage’, ‘Electrical Meter 1’ etc.
This will be seen in the headings of the graphs and displays.
Source #1 Device
- Select the device the energy feature is to use to gather the data from.
Source #1 Energy Item
- Select the specific item the energy feature
looks at to gather the ‘Energy Data’. This should be
the item that accumulates the total energy consumption e.g. kWhr
Source #1 Power Item
Select the specific item the energy feature looks at to gather the ‘Power Data’. This should be
the item that displays the real time power usage e.g. kW.
Source #1 Cost
(per energy unit)
- Enter the cost associated to the energy unit (Energy Item). This value will be used to calculate
usage costs etc.
Source #1 Carbon Footprint
(kg CO2/ energy unit)
- Enter the weight in kg of the CO2 usage per energy unit. This is used to calculate the CO2
usage of the energy source.
Source #1 Estimated Daily
(Energy units)
- Enter the total estimated daily usage for the energy item. This will be used for comparison
budget calculations
Source #1 Start Day
- Enter the day of the month for which billing starts.
Source #2
- The above fields will also be available for a second source.
- Enter the currency symbol used.
Gauge Max Power
For the ‘Live Data’ gauge and graphs, enter the maximum
expected value of the ‘Power Item’. E.g. ‘40’ in image to the
Gauge Min Power
For the ‘Live Data’ gauge and graphs, enter the minimum
expected value of the ‘Power Item’. E.g. ‘0’ in image to the
Gauge Red Level
- Fo
r the ‘Live Data’ gauge and graphs, enter the level at
which the gauge shows a red section. E.g. ‘30’ in image to
the right.
Gauge Amber Level
For the ‘Live Data’ gauge and graphs, enter the level at which the gauge shows an amber
section. E.g. ‘20’ in image.