If the burner firing rate is above 150,000 Btuh on
SV9540 models (see Table 1 for SV9640 capaci-
ties), it may not be possible to deliver the
desired outlet pressure. This is an application
issue, not a control failure. Take whatever steps
are required to correct the situation.
Step-Opening (P) Models
Step-opening models require that you check and adjust
the full-rate pressure first and then check the step
pressure. The step pressure is not field adjustable.
Carefully check the main burner lightoff. Make sure
that the main burner lights smoothly and that all
ports remain lit.
Check the full rate manifold pressure listed on the
appliance nameplate. Ignition system control full
rate outlet pressure should match this rating.
With main burner operating, check the ignition sys-
tem control flow rate using the meter clocking
method or check pressure using a manometer con-
nected to the outlet pressure tap on the ignition
system control. See Fig. 6.
If necessary, adjust the pressure regulator to
match the appliance rating. See Table 7 and
Table 8 for factory-set nominal outlet pressure and
adjustment range.
a. Remove the pressure regulator adjustment cap
b. Using a screwdriver, turn the inner adjustment
screw (Fig. 6) clockwise
to increase or
to decrease the gas
pressure to the burner.
c. Always replace the cap screw and tighten
firmly to prevent gas leakage.
If the desired outlet pressure or flow rate cannot be
achieved by adjusting the ignition system control,
check the ignition system control inlet pressure
using a manometer at the inlet pressure tap of the
ignition system control. If the inlet pressure is in
the nominal range (see Table 7 and Table 8),
replace the ignition system control. Otherwise, take
the necessary steps to provide proper gas pressure
to the control.
Carefully check the burner lightoff at step pressure.
Make sure the burner lights smoothly and without
flashback to the orifice. Make sure all ports remain
lit. Cycle the burner several times, allowing at least
60 seconds between cycles for the regulator to
resume the step function. Repeat after allowing the
burner to cool. Readjust the full rate outlet pres-
sure, if necessary, to improve lightoff characteris-
Two-Stage (Q) Models
Two-stage models allow independent adjustment of high
and low pressure settings. The following sequence
details adjusting the high pressure first and then
adjusting the low pressure.
Set thermostat ten degrees above room tempera-
Carefully check the main burner lightoff. Make sure
that the main burner lights smoothly and that all
ports remain lit.
Check the full rate (high) manifold pressure listed
on the appliance nameplate for high pressure. The
Ignition system control full rate outlet pressure
should match this rating.
With main burner operating, check the ignition sys-
tem control flow rate using the meter clocking
method or check pressure using a manometer con-
nected to the outlet pressure tap on the ignition
system control. See Fig. 6.
If necessary, adjust the high pressure regulator to
match the appliance rating. See Table 7 and
Table 8 for factory-set nominal outlet pressure and
adjustment range.
a. Remove the pressure regulator adjustment cap
b. Using a screwdriver, turn the inner adjustment
screw for HI pressure clockwise
to increase
or counterclockwise
to decrease the gas
pressure to the burner.
After high pressure is checked, check low pressure
regulation by removing the wire from terminal W2
of the ST9162 fan timer (to prevent ignition control
from moving to high stage).
Check the low rate manifold pressure listed on the
appliance nameplate. Ignition system control low
rate outlet pressure should match this rating.
With main burner operating, check the ignition sys-
tem control flow rate as before (using the meter
clocking method or check pressure using a
manometer connected to the outlet pressure tap
on the ignition system control).
If necessary, adjust the low pressure regulator to
match the appliance rating. See Table 7 and
Table 8 for factory-set nominal outlet pressure and
adjustment range.
a. Remove the pressure regulator adjustment cap
b. Using a screwdriver, turn the inner adjustment
screw for LO pressure clockwise
increase or counterclockwise
to decrease
the gas pressure to the burner.
Once high and low pressure are checked and
adjusted, replace pressure regulator adjustment
cap. If the desired outlet pressure or flow rate can-
not be achieved by adjusting the ignition system
control, check the ignition system control inlet
pressure using a manometer at the inlet pressure
tap of the ignition system control. If the inlet pres-
sure is in the nominal range (see Table 7 and
Table 8), replace the ignition system control. Other-
wise, take the necessary steps to provide proper
gas pressure to the control.