NTP Setup
NTP Server:
The server you intend to use to access the current date and time. The default is
NTP Port:
The port that the NTP server uses. The default for pool.ntp.org is
Enable Auto-Synchronize
: click the checkbox to enable Auto-Sync
Synchronize Every :
to set the Sync interval time .
Particularly important if you’ve enabled NTP - set this to the time zone where you happen to be. For example, people in
eastern Australia (Canberra, Sydney and Melbourne) choose GMT+10:00, whilst the Eastern Time zone in the USA and
Canada is GMT-05:00. (GMT stands for Greenwich Mean Time - it’s the baseline that keeps all the different time zones
in sync.)
Some NTP servers are NOT fully compatible with DST (Daylight Savings Time). This may cause your system to
double-count adding one or removing one more hour than they should, or cancel each other out. You may need to
intentionally change your time zone to compensate, or simply not use NTP and DST simultaneously.
Network -> Advanced -> NTP