III_Operating VisualTable
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To convert saved images and create eBook in a text type PDF file.
- Text type PDF file: Possible to copy and paste in a general pdf
software (Image type PDF file: Not possible to copy)
- Maximum pages possible to be converted into one PDF file: 300
pages. (In the event of scanning a book with over 300 pages, create a
pdf file per 300 pages and then combine all the related pdf files.)
User can select Camera options, Program options or OCR options and
have a necessary setting.
To close
“Creating eBook” program
When the check mark is displayed in the box, press either L
/ R
to move to the left or Right side and save the image. The saving is
carried out according to a preset Scan Delay Time established under
(Custom Setting/ Camera options/ Delay Time)
To make the left and right Area Select boxes equal in size based on
the left side when the check mark is displayed in the box. Adjustment
of a size is possible only in the left side.