A command always starts with an action such as SET (set to a new value/activate), TEST
(query) and RESET (reset to basic settings/switchoff).
This action is followed by the function you want to change, such as TEL1 (phone book
entry 1), SHOCK (shock sensor), TIMEOUT (configure ONLINE/OFFLINE), etc.
Depending on function/action, parameters that are put in a sequence with empty steps
may be required.
The GX111 recognises the validity of a message based on authentication by
attachment of the #<PIN>. Without attaching, the text message is rejected at
once and there will also not be any answering text message.
Capitalisation has no meaning.
Between the elements (action, function, parameter, pin), there must only be
one space each.
A complete description of all functions is enclosed in the detailed operating
instructions on the enclosed CD.