2 — A
& S
Chute Assembly Options
Refer to Figure 2-1 and proceed to your applicable Chute Control Style on pages 7-14.
Tools Required
Adjustable Wrench or Socket Set
Needle Nose Pliers
Handle Assembly
Cut cable ties securing chute control rod
to lower handle (if applicable) and set
On select units, loosen the top two lock
nuts (a) securing the upper and lower
handle and remove the two carriage
screws (b) from the lower handle and set
aside as shown in
Figure 2-2.
Figure 2-2
Place shift lever in Forward-6 position
(if equipped).
Observe lower rear area of equipment
to be sure both cables are aligned and
seated properly in roller guides.
See Figure 2-3.
Figure 2-3
On units with Overhead Chute Control
(with Flex Shaft), Four-Way Chute Control, and
Electric Chute Control cut cable ties securing
flex shaft to the lower handle and set the flex
shaft aside. Remove rubber bands securing
cables to carriage screws and cut cable tie
securing shift rod to lower handle. Refer to
Figure 2-1 to help identify your unit.
Pivot handle upward and align the tab
in the lower area of the upper handle
with the hole in the lower handle. Secure
handle by tightening wing nuts located
on both left and right sides of handle.
See Figure 2-4. Remove and discard any
rubber bands, if present. They are for
packaging purposes only.
On select units with steel rod
speed selectors, you may need to lower
shift rod to the side slightly to manuever
handle panel over it when pivoting
handle upward.
Figure 2-4
On units with the handle set-up shown
in Figure 2-2, attach the two carriage
screws (b) and lock nuts (a) removed
in Step 2. Finish securing the handle
by tightening the top two lock nuts (a)
loosened in Step 2. See Figure 2-5.
Figure 2-5