The faceplate contains two green status lights and two
sevenĆsegment LEDs used for diagnostic purposes. The upper status
light, labeled BAT. OK", indicates whether the onĆboard battery is
providing sufficient voltage to retain the contents of RAM (ON) or
should be replaced (OFF). See 3.4 for directions on replacing the
battery and Appendix A for battery specifications. The lower status
light, labeled OK", indicates whether the board is operational (ON)
or should be replaced (OFF).
FivepreĆassigned variables areavailablefor usein all application
tasks to test the status of the onĆboard battery. These common
boolean variables will havethevalue1 if thebattery is functional and
0 if thebattery is not functional. Thevariables arenamed according
to the Processor whose battery is being tested. BATTERYSTATUS0@
is used for the Processor in slot 0. BATTERYSTATUS1@ is used for
the Processor in slot 1, etc. up to slot 4.
See3.5.1 and 3.5.2 for moreinformation about thetwo
sevenĆsegment LEDs on the Processor.
Electrical Description
TheProcessor modulecontains a local watchdog timer which must
be reset within a specified interval or the Processor will shut down
and all I/O modules will be reset (initialized to 0, FALSE, or OFF).
Byte parity is supported for all backplane address and data lines.
ThesuperĆcapacitor on theProcessor modulecan becharged to
more than 90% of its rated capacity in approximately 15 minutes and
is typically capable of retaining the contents of RAM memory for
approximately 10 hours should the BAT. OK" light go out and power
is removed from the Processor.
The Processor serial ports support full modem control. RSĆ232C
signals have 450V isolation to logic common. Refer to figure 2.1 for a
typical circuit diagram.
Figure2.2 Ć Typical RSĆ232C Circuit
Refer to 4.2 for more information on the characteristics of the
Processor ports availableto theuser through application tasks.
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