07.03.02, Version 1.2
User manual MR004DL/FA
GmbH, Stettiner Str. 38, D-33106 Paderborn
3 Description of the M-Bus Display
The M-Bus Display allows reading the meters using the keyboard and viewing the
consumption values on the LCD. The reading personell is then able to get the data of
many meters from one central location without the need to enter all the flats and without
further technical equipment (laptop..). Additionally the device offers a so-called
command mode for remote readout of meters using a standard modem (10-bit). The M-
Bus software Dokom CS and FService support this command mode.
After login with a passcode (predefined as 00001767) the operator gets access to the
menu system, which is described later. It is important to generate the list of meters for
readout of data. The automatical search for installed meters will be much faster, if the
user reduces the search options in search mode or search baudrates (e.g. searching
with 300 baud is very slow). These options can be selected in the menu „Display
You should also change passcode B to prevent other persons from changing
the setup and passcodes.
Error messages
An exceed of the maximum allowed current and short circuit are signalled with LEDs
under the terminal lid compartment and also on the LCD. If there are problems with
interpretation of the M-Bus data the display shows „Status: Error“. The “list of errors“ is
shown on the LCD after simultaneously pressing the
and C keys in the inactive state.
Please note the error codes and then delete the error codes by pressing the
key. The
most important error codes can be decoded using the table in the addendum. On restart
after power fail the error list is also deleted.
Passcode protection
The M-Bus Display distinguishes between 3 passcode modes and 2 passcode levels:
The operator is requested to enter a passcode after pressing any key in the
mode (mode A)
. In this mode the
passcode A
(reader´s passcode) gives only low level
access limited to readout functions. The caretaker or tenant can read single meters by
selection from the list of slaves or all meters from the network. It is not possible to
change the list of slaves or other options of the M-Bus Display here.
The login with the
passcode B
instead of passcode A gives access to the complete
menu. On delivery the predefined value for passcode A is 00000000 and for passcode
B is 00001767. This allows a simple login to level A by just pressing the E-key. We
strongly recommend to change passcode B to avoid manipulation by unauthorized
persons. You can setup the passcode from the menus „Display config. New passcode
A” and “Display config. – New passcode B”.