User manual MR004DL/FA
07.03.02, Version 1.2
GmbH, Stettiner Str. 38, D-33106 Paderborn
Description of the most important menus
Readout of all:
This entry reads all meters according to the list of slaves and displays their data. For
each meter its baud rate and primary or secondary address is used for communication.
Single readout:
The readout of single meters also uses information from the list of slaves. The submenu
shows the list with the information of position, primary address and ID. The meter will be
read after moving the cursor to the desired position and pressing the E button.
Automatical generation of the list of slaves:
The automatical search for installed meters with generation of the list of slaves is
started from the menu entry “List of slaves AutomaticSearch” with the E key. The C
button cancels the current part of search and jumps to the next search step. Especially
searching with 300 baud takes much time. You should select just the needed baudrates
from the menu “Display config. – Highest baudrate / Lowest baudrate” to avoid
unnecessary long search times. It is also possible to limit the serch to primary or
secondary addressing using the menu “Display config. Search mode”. At the end or
the search the display shows the number of detected meters. You should check the
entries of the list of slaves from the menu “List of slaves- Show/edit list”.
Editing the list of slaves:
The entries in the list of slaves can also be edited by the user using the menu “List of
slaves – Show/edit list”. Move the cursor to the desired position and start the edit mode
with the E key. You can change the chars with the
button and step to the next position
with the
button. The E key confirms and the C key cancels editing. The changes
affect only the list of slaves, but not the meter options itself. Editing entries is useful if a
meter has been exchanged. It is also possible to add new meters from the meu “List of
slaves – Add slave” or to delete single meters from the submenu “
Setting up baud rates:
On delivery the M-Bus Display / Datalogger is confiured to search with all supported
baudrates: 300, 2400 and 9600 bd. You can accelerate the search procedure by limiting
the search baudrates with “Display config. Highest baudrate” and “ Lowest baudrate” .
Implemented elements of protocol and data types
The device includes no meter-specific interpretation, but accepts all meters with a M-
Bus telegram according to the documentation of the M-Bus Usergroup and the
European standard EN1434-3, which fulfill the following demands:
Variable data structure (mode 1) or fixed data structure (mode 1 or mode 2)
Number formats: Integer (8bit, 16bit, 24bit, 32bit, 48bit, 64bit)
Real (32bit)
BCD (2digit, 4 digit, 6digit, 8digit, 12 digit, 16digit)