User manual MR004DL/FA
07.03.02, Version 1.2
GmbH, Stettiner Str. 38, D-33106 Paderborn
Menu structure:
Page 2
Page 2
Status report:
OK: Device ready for work
overload: Nominal bus current exceeded
max.load: Bus off while over current
error: Error occured in data interpretation
Show/edit list
Add slave
Remove slaves
Sort slave list
Readout of all
Single readout
List of slaves
MB Display V1.9
Status: OK
Passcode request *
Passcode B allows access to all functions
Passcode A allows access limited to these functions:
Shows the list of slaves. Allows editing of:
Primary address, ID and baudrate
The meter data of all devices are read and displayed
on the LCD based on the list of slaves.
After selecting a meter from the list of slaves this slave
will be read and the consumption values will be displayed.
Automatic generation of the list of slaves by a search
for ID / primary address with several baudrates
Append a meter to the list of slaves
Remove a meter from the list of slaves
Selectable option for sorting the list of slaves:
primary address, ID, no sorting
* The tenant has no access to the menus in the modes "Access via
ID" / "Access via Adr". He is requested to input a meter ID / Adr
instead of a passcode.