User manual MR004DL/FA
07.03.02, Version 1.2
GmbH, Stettiner Str. 38, D-33106 Paderborn
Calculation of storage capacity
The size of the data memory is 512Kbyte. Versions with 1 MByte, 2MByte or 4Mbyte
are under prparation. Worst case the M-Bus frame can be 261 bytes long, but mostly
the telegrams are much shorter. A typical heat meter for example transmits 79 bytes.
Water meters and pulse adaptors often use even shorter frames. A length field and a
point of time is additionally stored with the M-Bus frame. This adds 12 Bytes. In our
example 60 heat meters with 79 bytes M-Bus frame + 12 bytes occupy 5462 bytes
inside the FLASH for every readout. The FLASH is organized as a ring memory with 8
blocks of 64kB (65536 bytes) or in total 512kB. If the current block is full, the next block
will be erased completely. So it could happen that only 7 block are full with data. In this
example there is enough memory to store minimum 7 x 65536 / 5462 = 83 readouts.The
practice shows that usualy there are often installations with less meters and shorter M-
Bus telegrams.
Download of stored data
The contents of the data memory can be downloaded in command mode using a direct
or a modem connection with FService or Dokom CS.
The most current readouts are also available via keyboard and LCD. The menu “Data
exchange” shows a list with the last 25 readout times. You can scroll through the
different points of time and select one with the E button. Then the data of all meters for
this readout is displayed in the same manner as with “Readout of all”.
7 PC-Software FService
The devices can be operated via keyboard without software or as simple level
converters with any M-Bus software. The software FService offers a comfortable access
to and control of the Datalogger and M-Bus Display. The software can work locally with
a PC or remotely via a modem.
The software is described in a special document delivered with Fservice.