When turn on the device, it will send data immediately, also you can press the button a short time(0.1 seconds),
then the device will also send data. Normally when you get the device from factory, the reset time for data
sending is every 30 mins, and if you want to change the time, you can connect the device to computer for config,
here there is instruction about the time configuration.
SensorTool Manual
LoRaWAN Network Structure
SL101 temperature and humidity sensor is based on standard LoRaWAN Class A, so you can connect to any
LoRaWAN network as below through OTAA: On the back of device, you can find information as below, with this
information, you can connect to any LoRaWAN server.
Connecting to The Things Network
, please make sure choose manually connect and OTAA as below:
3. Data Uploading
4. Connect to LoRaWAN Network