System- und Messelectronic GmbH
Bergstr. 33 86911 Diessen-Obermühlhausen Postfach 12 41 D-86908 Diessen Tel. 08196 - 934100
MWS_55_e.indb Page 105
geändert am 04.12.2020 von DO
Manual MWS 55 / MWS 88 / MWS 10 and Sensors 55
8.2.4 Meaning of the listing with !?0
DA: Device Address
DC: Device Capabilities !!! INTERNAL !!!
DI: Device Ident
DS: Device Serial
DV: Device Version
ME: Memory (capacity of SD-card in kByte)
MU: Memory Unused (free memory on SD-card in kByte)
MI: Memory Intervall (storage interval in seconds)
OD: Operation Days
A#: Calibration number
ER: Error
Bit 8 = Reserved
Bit 7 = ERR_EXT_MEMORY -> Memory card detected but not responding
Bit 6 = Reserved
Bit 5 = Reserved
Bit 4 = Reserved
Bit 3 = ERR_GPS_TIME -> No GPS time set in current hour until now
Bit 2 = ERR_5V -> no 5V from USB
Bit 1 = ERR_VIN -> Input voltage too low (leading **UNDERVOLTAGE** )
FL: Flags
Bit 6..8 = Reserved
Bit 5 = GPS_ONLINE GPS (or RS232-Sensors) ready (= Data string received)
Bit 4 = GPS_CFG_MODEGPS-Configure mode active:
Data at GPS-Input are mirrored to the PC-port
(with leading *)
Bit 3 = RAW_MODE
Raw value mode active: Values are sent as raw values.
(with leading **ABGLEICH** TKxxxx,)
No calculation and storing of any values, bypasses write protection
Output of ** SECURE **
COM port automatically (temporarily) set to RS232 with 9600 baud when received
characters !!!!!!!!!!!! (RS232/9600)
PM: PageMode Reserved
PS: Protocol_Select (see !S)