Fireplace Products Australia Pty Ltd.
1 Conquest Way, Hallam VIC Australia 3803
+61 3 9799 7277 •
+61 3 97997822
Thermal Clearance Testing of the
I100B-2 Berwick Inbuilt Solid Fuel Appliance
Summary Report
The I100B-2 Berwick Inbuilt appliance with a triple skin flue kit was tested in a zero-clearance enclosure
in a manner conforming to joint Australian/New Zealand Standard 2918:2001, Appendix B.
A minimum 640mm deep x 1040mm wide x 12mm thick floor protector (Bellis board or similar) should
be used under the appliance, a minimum 875mm wide x 570mm deep x 24mm thick floor protector
(Bellis board or similar) must be used in front of the appliance base when installing the appliance (see
joint AS/NZS 2918:2001 3.3.2). The floor protector should extend 570mm in front of the fuel loading
door and be placed centrally in the 875mm width. The Thermal conductivity of the floor protector is
0.08m².K/W for 8mm thick sheets.
The I100B-2 Berwick Inbuilt solid fuel appliance installed with a triple skin flue kit conforms to the
requirements of the joint AS/NZS 2918:2001 Standard, Appendix B.
Test Position
The appliance must be built into an enclosure with the walls surrounding the fuel loading door (front
wall) made from 13mm FYRCHEK plaster board or a minimum 9mm non-combustible material (Bellis
board or similar). A 20mm gap must be maintained between the outer case of the zero clearance box
and the Fyrchek plaster board, no gap is required when non-combustible material (Bellis board or
similar) is used. The non-combustible material can be installed in direct contact with the rear surface of
the appliance fascia. The side and rear walls, which can be made from combustible material shall be a
minimum of 100mm from the side and rear of the appliance zero clearance box. All enclosure
studs/framework on the front wall must be made from non-combustible material.
The top (ceiling) of the appliance enclosure must have a 100mm air gap between the flue outer casing
and combustible material, this also applies when the flue casing penetrates above living spaces or attic.
The roof (ceiling) of the enclosure shall be a minimum of 1800mm above the top of the floor protector.