UP 0, UP 1, UP 2, UP 2.4, UP 2.5
with relative humidity 5 to 100
, including the condensation of up to 0,025 kg water content per 1 kg of
dry, at above stated temperature ...........................................................................................AB 1*+AB 5*
with elevation up to 2000 m, with barometric pressure range from 86 kPa up to 108 kPa ................ AC 1*
with exposure to intensive water jets (IPx6)........................................................................................ AD 6
with shallow immersion – (protection enclosure IP x 7) .................................................................... AD 7*
with strong dustiness – with a possibility of influences of inflammable, non-conducted and non-
explosive dust; the middle layer of dust
the dust drop more than 350 but not more than 1000 mg/m
per day (products with protection enclosure of IP 6x) ....................................................................... AE 6*
with atmospheric occurrence of corrosive and pollution media (with high degree of atmosphere
corrosive aggressiveness); important presence of corrosive pollution ..................................... ....... AF 2*
with permanent exposure of big amount of corroding or contaminated chemical and salt fog in
execution for sea environment, fog sewage water disposal plant and some chemical plant .......... AF 4*
with a possibility of influences of mechanical stress:
medium sinusoid vibrations with frequency in range from 10 up to 150 Hz, with shift amplitude of
0,15 mm for f<fp and acceleration amplitude 19,6 m/s
for f>fp (transition frequency fp is from 57 up
to 62Hz) .......................................................................................................................................... AH 2*
medium impacts, shocks and vibrations .......................................................................................AG 2*
with serious danger of plants and mould growing............................................................................... AK 2*
with serious danger of animal occurrence (insects, birds, small animals)...........................................AL 2*
with detrimental influence of radiation:
of stray current with intensity of magnetic field (direct or alternate, of mains frequency) up to
..................................................................................................................................... AM 2-2*
of sun radiation with intensity > 500 and < 700W/m
....... .......................................................... AN 2*
with effects of medium seismic activity with acceleration > 300 Gal < 600 Gal ................................. AP 3*
with direct endanger by storm .............................................................................................................AQ 2*
with quick air movement and strong wind ................................................................................ AR 3 , AS 3*
stand on a conductive bottom) ............................................................................................................ BC 3*
without any danger media with object ............................................................................................... BE 1*
* Marking in accordance with IEC 60364-1, IEC 60 364-5-51 and IEC 60 364-5-55 within valid edition
1.6.3 Power supply and duty cycle
Power supply:
electric motor...........24 V AC/DC; 120 V AC, 230 resp. 220 V AC; 3x400 resp. 3x380 resp. 3x415 V AC resp.
120 V AC
control...........................................................................................................24 V AC resp. 220-240 V AC
Power supply frequency
50 Hz, or 60**Hz
2 %
** Operating time will increase 1,2 times, and torque will decrease 1,2 times
Duty cycle
- according to EN/IEC 60034-1, 8
are designed for
remote control:
short-time operation S2-10 min
intermitted operation S4-25%, max. 90 cycles per hour
EA with controller
are designed for
intermitted operation S4-25%, 90 up to 1200 cycles per hour
1. Duty cycle consist of load type, load factor and switching rate.
2. Once EA is connected to the external controller unit, also use it as a control EA where the max. load torgue
reaches the 0.7 multiple of the maximum loading torgue for remote operated EA UP X.X with remote control.
1.7 Packing, transport, storing and unpacking
Surfaces without surface treatment are treated by conservation preparation MOGUL LV 2-3 before
packaging .
Conservation is not necessary if the following storage conditions are complied with:
• Storage temperature: -10 to +50 °C
• Relative air humidity max.80 %
Содержание UP 0
Страница 10: ...8 UP 0 UP 1 UP 2 UP 2 4 UP 2 5 5 9 Fig 1a Fig 1b ...
Страница 11: ...UP 0 UP 1 UP 2 UP 2 4 UP 2 5 9 Fig 1c UP 2 5 with controller ...
Страница 42: ...40 UP 0 UP 1 UP 2 UP 2 4 UP 2 5 7 Enclosures 7 1 Wiring diagrams UP 1 UP 2 UP 2 4 UP 2 5 ...
Страница 43: ...UP 0 UP 1 UP 2 UP 2 4 UP 2 5 41 ...
Страница 44: ...42 UP 0 UP 1 UP 2 UP 2 4 UP 2 5 Wiring diagrams UP 0 ...
Страница 47: ...UP 0 UP 1 UP 2 UP 2 4 UP 2 5 45 7 4 Dimensional drawings Electric part turn actuators Unimact UP 0 UP 1 UP 2 ...
Страница 48: ...46 UP 0 UP 1 UP 2 UP 2 4 UP 2 5 Electric part turn actuators Unimact UP 0 UP 1 UP version stand and lever ...
Страница 49: ...UP 0 UP 1 UP 2 UP 2 4 UP 2 5 47 Electric part turn actuators Unimact UP 1 UP 2 version with local control ...
Страница 51: ...UP 0 UP 1 UP 2 UP 2 4 UP 2 5 49 Electric part turn actuators Unimact UP 2 4 UP 2 5 ...
Страница 52: ...50 UP 0 UP 1 UP 2 UP 2 4 UP 2 5 Electric part turn actuators Unimact UP 2 4 UP 2 5 version stand and lever ...
Страница 53: ...UP 0 UP 1 UP 2 UP 2 4 UP 2 5 51 Electric part turn actuators Unimact UP 2 4 UP 2 5 version with local control ...