Operating Instructions
DC/AC Measurements
Connect the Black test lead into the COM terminal. Connect the Red test
lead into the V terminal. If measuring DC, move the function rotary switch
to the V position and press the function button until the display shows
. If measuring AC, move the function rotary switch to the V position
and press the function button until display shows
Resistance Measurement
Connect the Black test lead into the COM terminal. Connect the Red test
lead into the Ω terminal. Move the function rotary switch to the Ω position
and press the function button until the display shows Ω.
Note: When LCD displays
, the meter is in auto range
mode, meaning the meter will now automatically select the suitable
measurement range. While in auto range mode, press the range button to
hold the range.
Continuity Check
Connect the Black test lead into the COM terminal. Connect the Red test
lead into the Ω terminal. Move the function rotary switch to the position
and press the function button until the display shows
Note: A beep will sound when the resistance value is less than 10 ohm
Diode Test
Connect the Black test lead into the COM terminal. Connect the Red test
lead into the
terminal. Move the function rotary switch to the
position and press the function button until the display shows
a) When connected with the polarity as shown in Fig. 1, a forward
current flow is established and the approximate diode forward
Voltage (VF) value, in volts, will appear on the display. If the diode
under test is defective a value near .000 (short circuit) or 1 (open
circuit) will be displayed.