Clearing Conductivity Calibration Data
1. While under normal operation, press the "A" and "B" buttons
simultaneously to enter calibration mode.
2. The LCD display wil indicate the symbols "Cd" and "CAL".
3. Press the and buttons until "CLr" appears on the display.
4. Press the
button to confirm and erase all calibration data.
5. The display will continuously blink while the calibration data is
being erased.
6. When complete, the meter wil resume normal operation.
Data Stream Output
Using Terminal application, a data stream can be viewed from the RS-232
output, connect RS-232/USB cable between the product and terminal/PC
and use the following setting to view the data stream.
Terminal Settings:
• Bits per second: 9600
• Data bits: 8
• Parity: none
• Stop bits: 1
41131000001999 = Upper Value, +199.9 μS
Decimal Place 0-3
Positive (+) = 0, Negative (-) = 1
µS = 13, mS = 14, PPM =19, % = 03
1 = Upper display value,
2 = Lower display value
41131000001999 = Valeur supérieure, +199.9 μS
Position décimale 0-3
Positif (+) = 0, Negatif (-) = 1
µS = 13, mS = 14, PPM = 19, % = 03
1 = valeur d'affichage supérieure,
2 = valeur d'affichage inférieure
REED Instruments
1-877-849-2127 | [email protected] | www.reedinstruments.com