Solar PV Tiles – Installation Instructions
18 July 2012
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slate/tile. The only exception is centre-nailed Natural Slate which can be fixed in the standard
way with two nail fixings, apart from the cut slate course directly below the bottom course PV
tiles, which must be secured using slate hooks. Slate hooks can also be used around the
sides and top of the PV tile array if so required .
Note that all Redland Solar PV tiles are fully integrated with the slates/tiles and as such are
designed to be installed from right to left (see instructions below). Redland Solar PV tiles are
designed to integrate with at least one slate or tile at the perimeter of the PV tile array to
ensure weather-tightness of the installation; this integration is achieved either directly by
interlocking with the slate/tile in the case of interlocking roof slates/tiles, or indirectly via
special proprietary soakers in the case of double lapped natural slates or plain tiles.
Information on the layout and positioning of the proprietary soakers for the Natural Slate and
Plain Tile PV tiles respectively is given at the start of the relevant sections that follow.