Appendix “C”
, the RS-2 can be mounted in positions
other than the preferred “Typical Installation” position illustrated in Figure 1 on
page 8 (
but not upside down
). See the following illustrations for other possible
mounting positions.
If the RS-2
™ valve is mounted in positions other than vertical, its opening
pressure will be lower than the factory setting of 15 psi (the valve is calibrated by the manufacturer for
vertical mounting). This will not negatively effect the valve’s flow capacity. The valve’s opening and
re-sealing point will be slightly lower than its normal set point, however the intended purpose and
overall functioning of the
™ will not be significantly effected.
Mounting variations from rotating the valve body
. The drawing below at the far left
(Rotate-1) illustrates the typical valve mounting. The next drawing (Rotate -2) illustrates a mounting
where the valve body has been rotated 90º clockwise. Rotate-3 illustrates a mounting where the valve
body has been rotated 180º clockwise. Rotate-4 illustrates a mounting when the valve body has been
rotated 270º clockwise.
Typical (and preferred) Installation
Valve Body rotated 90 degrees
Valve Body rotated 270 degrees
Valve Body rotated 180 degrees
Turning the carbon fragment collection trap chamber
and rotating the valve body
. The
drawing below on the left (“Normal”) again illustrates (from a different view) the typical (and
recommended) valve mounting. The center drawing, (Turn-1) illustrates where the carbon fragment
collection trap chamber has been turned 90º to the left, and the valve body has been rotated
clockwise 270º. The drawing on the right, (Turn-2) illustrates the carbon fragment collection trap
chamber turned 90º to the right, and the valve body rotated 90º clockwise. (If the RS-2 is mounted as
in the Turn-2 position, it will be necessary to re-mount the Tell-tale pressure gauge using a 1/8” NPT
90 Ell so that the gauge dial will be visible.)
Alternative Mounting (gauge up)
Typical (and preferred) Installation
(end view)
Alternative Mounting (gauge re-mounted)
NOTE: The Double Check
Pressure Equalizing Valve
must be mounted vertically.
Regardless of mounting position of the RS-2, the Double Check Pressure
Equalizing Valve
MUST be mounted in a vertical position with the filter/vent
pointing up (
). Any position other than with the filter/vent end pointing up will create
a serious safety hazard. (Mounting the double check pressure equalizing valve
vertically may require additional fittings.)