CONTOUR Button and LED:
the A 5360’s detection circuitry less sensitive to low frequency energy, preventing this
much the signal is being attenuated by the compressor and the gate.
ompressor THRESHOLD LEDs:
lationship of the input signal level to the threshold of compression. The green LED is
n from -40dBu (7.8mVrms) to +20dBu (7.8Vrms). Setting the
d Knee mode (Softcomp button out), the THRESHOLD sets a reference level above which input signals will be
tcomp button depressed), signals begin to gradually activate the A 5360’s gain change circuitry
n and LED:
ct the Softcomp compression characteristic. The yellow THRESHOLD LED turns On when
above which the output level no longer
fined as the middle of the Softcomp threshold region, that is,
to increase the amount of compression from 1:1 (no compression) up to
:1 (no increase
in o
Depress this button to make
rgy from “punching holes” in the sound, especially with mixed program. With the CONTOUR button Out, the A 5360
detector is frequency-independent. The CONTOUR LED turns On when the CONTOUR button is depressed.
This meter displays how
These three LEDs indicate the re
when the signal is below threshold and the red LED is On when the signal is above threshold. When the A 5360 is
switched to Softcomp mode, the yellow LED is On when the signal is in the softcomp region.
Even though no input signal is being applied, it is normal for the LEDs to flicker when the power is applied or removed.
pressor THRESHOLD Control:
Adjust this knob to set the threshold of compressio
mpressor THRESHOLD control to +20dB will prevent all but the highest level peaks from being compressed. (Se
the Compressor RATIO to 1:1 will turn the Compressor off, regardless of the setting of the Compressor THRESHOLD
In Har
cessed by the A 5360’s gain change circuitry in the manner defined by the setting of the RATIO control. Input signals
which fall below this level will pass through the A 5360 unprocessed (except for fixed gain changes directed by the
OUTPUT GAIN control).
In Softcomp mode (Sof
they approach the THRESHOLD reference level and they do not get fully processed in the manner defined by the
RATIO control until they have passed somewhat above the THRESHOLD reference level. In Softcomp mode there is no
distinct point at which processing begins, and the THRESHOLD setting corresponds to a point on the input/output transfe
curve midway between the onset of processing and that point at which the transfer curve corresponds to the setting of the
RATIO control.
Softcomp Butto
Depress this button to sele
signal is in the Softcomp region. When this button is in the Out position, the A 5360 operates as a hard knee
compressor/limiter. (Yellow Softcomp LED is active only in Softcomp Mode.)
In Hard Knee mode, the threshold of compression is defined as that point
nges on a 1:1 basis with changes in the input level.
In Softcomp mode, the threshold of compression is de
lf-way” into compression.
Compressor RATIO Control
Rotate this control clockwise
utput level, regardless of input level increases above threshold.)
Figure 1: Hard Knee Compression Curve Figure 2: Softcomp Compression Curve
and Threshold LEDs and Threshold LEDs