NOTE: When you’re in preview mode, you will not see frame summing take effect. Once you start
recording, you will be able to see the brightened image. You may have to experiment with your exposure
and frame summing settings before you achieve the brightness and effect you want.
The Frame Averaging setting takes the number of specified frames, combines them into 1 frame, and
averages the exposure time for each of the original frames. You can use frame averaging to achieve the
effect of long-exposure along with the benefits of reduced noise. However, frame averaging does affect
motion blur characteristics.
For example, if you select 16 as your FRAMES TO PROCESS value, and set your exposure to 1/48 sec,
your resulting image will still have the exposure value of 1/48 sec along with the effect of long-exposure.
NOTE: When you’re in preview mode, you will not see frame averaging take effect. Once you start
recording, you will be able to see the altered image. You may have to experiment with your exposure and
frame averaging settings before you achieve the effect you want.