REC Peak Energy Series Installation Manual - UL 1703
Ref: NE-06-03-M
Rev M - 03.2014
aNNex 1. iNsTallaTioNs oN waTer PlaTforMs
reC Peak energy panels have not been certified by ul for installation on water platform-type mounting systems. when installating reC Peak
energy panels on fixed position (e.g., anchored) water platforms, for example, floating pontoons, follow the instructions below specific to such
applications. failure to do so will invalidate the warranty.
For all installations on water platforms, first advise REC before the start of installation in case of any site specific instructions or
InstallatIon enVIRonment
i) Installation site
reC panels may only be installed on closed bodies of fresh water where water salinity does not exceed 15 Psu at 77°f (25 ms/cm at 25°C).
This specifically excludes mounting on sea and ocean applications.
The maximum permitted wave height must not exceed 3.3 ft (1 m) from the crest to the trough of the wave.
ii) floating platforms
when using a floating platform, follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding installation, maintenance, inspection and cleaning at all times.
iii) minimum installation height
The minimum installation height of reC Peak energy panels is 6 in (15 cm) and is defined as the height between the water surface and the
lowest edge/part of the panel during normal operation. This will help to shield the panel from direct water spray.
InstallatIon InstRuCtIon
i) system installation
all cables used for the installation must have sufficient length and slack to prevent damage due to water level changes and wave motions.
Negative system grounding is required for REC Peak Energy panels installed on a floating platform
ii) mounting panels
installation of reC Peak energy panels must be in accordance with the aforementioned standard mounting instructions.
The junction box should be oriented as far as possible from the water surface according to system design and the junction box, cables and
connectors must be protected from direct water splash.
iii) panel protection
in areas with high avian activity, additional bird repelling devices may be installed as long as they do not adversely affect system performance.
if using lightning protection equipment on the floating installation, all relevant local regulations must be respected.
regularly inspect the installation to ensure all panels are securely mounted.
For installations with high avian activity, system cleaning may be required at more frequent intervals to reduce shading of panels
caused by bird defecation
immediately disconnect the system if the installation or the floating platform exhibits deviation from standard operating conditions.
in the event of the floating platform being submerged, disconnect the DC connection at the inverter immediately. Do not attempt to salvage
panels when sunlight is present.