Remote Connection:
This icon shows someone is remote connecting to the system
via App.
SD Card Overwrite:
If this icon appears means the SD card is allowed to overwrite
files when it is full.
Recording Indicator:
When this icon flashes red, it indicates that recording is in
Shows the monitor is in zoom view.
New Record Indicator:
Means there is unread new recordings.
Displays when TALK is pressed. Press and hold TALK on top of the monitor to
talk back through the camera. Release TALK to wait for a reply.
Displays when siren on camera is activated.
LED Light Indicator:
This icon shows when white LED is paired to the system. (Only
work when monitor is paired with floodlight camera)
Light indicator turns green when the LED is on.
Battery Level:
Indicates the LCD monitor's battery life:
Flashing Red - Low battery
White - To show battery in different level
Firmware Download Available:
If this icon appears, means there is new firmware
available in the server, you can go to menu to upgrade firmware from server.
Motion Recording Indicator:
Indicates motion recording status. You can press the
motion recording button on top of monitor to turn on/off motion recording.
Displays when the volume is off (mute).
SEQ Display Mode:
Displays when the monitor is in auto switch mode; it will change
channels automatically.