Each console line is to be terminated at its end:
• About delegate / chairman consoles: only the
line last console LINE TERMINATION switch shall
be pushed
(set to ON; this switch is on the console rear panel). On the other consoles, the LINE
TERMINATION switch shall be set to OFF. Should a console (that is not the last of the line) have
the LINE TERMINATION switch wrongly set to ON, during the system reboot all previous consoles
would be recognized properly (their light-rings are lit), while the following consoles would not be
found by the DMU 6100 central unit.
• When an interpreter console is connected, make sure that the relevant INTERPRETER LINE TER-
MINATION DIP switch of the DMU 6100 central unit is set to OFF (interpreter console: available).
Note: the interpreter console LINE TERMINATION switch has no effect.
• If an interpreter console is not connected to dedicated central unit port, it will be necessary to
set the relevant INTERPRETER LINE TERMINATION DIP switch (of the DMU 6100 central unit) to
On DMS 6410 console lateral panels, there are 2 jack outputs (3.5 mm - 1/8”; an output on both
sides). Their output signal depends on the system configuration and the console operating mode
(delegate / chairman / interpreter).
The jack outputs can be configured by means of the “CONSOLE OUT JACK” parameter (SET menu):
The jack output audio signal is optimized for headphones. If headphones are used,
the console internal loudspeaker turns off and the volume can be adjusted by using the relevant 2
small buttons from 0 to the maximum value set on the DMU 6100 central unit.
The jack output audio signal is optimized for recording (the console internal loud-
speaker does not turn off when a jack output is used). The volume control is enabled and the level
can be adjusted between (about) 30% and 100%, but it cannot be set to 0. The DMU 6100 central
unit volume setting has no effect.
All jack outputs (but interpreter consoles) are disabled. Console internal loudspeakers
are anyway activated.
About the 2 interpreter consoles: their jack outputs are always set to the HEADPHONES mode; the
volume is always adjustable from 0 to the maximum value set on the DMU 6100 central unit.
The “CONSOLE OUT JACK” parameter (of the central unit) affects chairman and delegate consoles
There are 2 volume buttons, 2 selection buttons and a bi-colour LED, of which function depends on
the console operating mode (delegate, chairman, interpreter) and the system configuration.
The volume buttons allow to adjust the volume from 0 to the maximum value set on the DMU 6100
central unit. The internal loudspeaker is always off when: the simultaneous translation is in progress,
the console microphone is open, headphones are connected to at least 1 jack output in “HEADPHO-
NES” mode.
If the use of simultaneous interpretation is foreseen, keep the “CONSOLE OUT
JACK” parameter on “HEADPHONES”, otherwise it will not be possible to listen
to the translated language (by means of headphones).