StarSight System
Subscribing to StarSight Information
StarSight Checklist
Please fill in the blanks below and keep this checklist close at hand. You will find the information you need
to complete this list in later sections of this manual.
PBS Station
From the PBS Stations listed in the “Reference” section on pages 44-46, find the
PBS station that is closest to your city. If you have a choice of two or more PBS
stations, select the one with the clearest picture. Write the PBS station letters and
channel number below.
PBS Station Letters:
PBS Station Channel Number:
For Cable Users Only:
Check your cable company’s channel lineup or your local newspaper’s TV
listing to see if the PBS station in your area has a different channel number from
the one you wrote down above. If so, enter your PBS station’s cable channel
number here: ________
(You will tune to this channel number during the setup process.)
Cable Box Code Numbers
From the “Cable Box Code” section on page 46, find the code numbers that apply
to your brand of cable box and enter them below:
Code 1: _____ Code 2: _____ Code 3: _____ Code 4: _____ Code 5: _____
Code 6: _____ Code 7: _____ Code 8: _____ Code 9: _____ Code 10: _____
StarSight Activation Numbers
StarSight displays your personal STAR number and ID number on the TV
screen. When these numbers appear, record them here:
STAR Number: _____________________________
ID Number:
Turn to the next page to activate StarSight.