XV. Assistance by the electric motor
Operating principle of assistance
The motor provides support as soon as you switch the assistance on and start pedaling.
The thrust delivered by the motor depends on three factors:
Your own pedaling effort
The motor adapts to the force you apply. If you pedal harder, e.g. uphill or when setting off,
the power sensor detects this and increases the thrust accordingly. However, the thrust is
limited by the maximum motor output.
The assist level you have selected
With the higher assist level, the power delivered by the motor is added your own effort.
The speed at which you are currently travelling
When you set off on your E-bike, the assistance increases as you build up your speed until
your bike reaches Its maximum speed of 32km / h. and switches off at roughly 32km / h.
This happens irrespective of the gear you are using.
The distance you can travel using the power assist with the battery fully charged depends on
several factors:
Ambient temperature
If it is colder, you will travel a shorter distance with the same battery charge.
To maximize the distance you can travel, keep the battery in a heated room so that it is at
room temperature when you fit It on your E-bike.
As the battery discharges when the motor is in use, it generates enough of its own heat to
not lose too much of its power at low temperatures.
Selected assist level
If you want to cover a large distance assisted by the motor, select the lower gears, i.e. the
ones that are easier to pedal. Also change to lower assist level
If you are riding in gears that are harder to pedal and select a high level of assistance, e. g.
when riding uphill, the motor will provide support with plenty of power. However, this leads
to higher consumption, as with driving a car at high speed on the motorway. You will there-
fore have to recharge the battery sooner. You can conserve energy when riding your bike
not just by turning the pedals, but also by applying even pressure throughout each crank
Technical condition of your E-bike
Make sure tyre pressure is correct. If you ride your bike with too little air in the tyres, this can
significantly increase the rolling resistance. The distance you can travel also decreases if
the brakes are rubbing.
XVI. Battery
Your battery is a lithium cobalt battery, tine ideal type of lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery for this ap-
plication. One of the main benefits of this type of battery is its low weight combined with a high
capacity. Li-ion batteries only weigh half as much as comparable nickel metal hybrid or nickel-
cadmium batteries. This means you carry less battery weight and more battery power.