Assist Levels settings
Assist levels represents assist level
mode settings, 8 modes to select: 0-2,
1-2, 0-4, 1-4, 0-6, 1-6, 0-8, 1-8. The
default value is 0-6.
To change the mode of assist lev-
el, press the “+” or the “-” button to
choose the desired mode, and then
press the “i” button to confirm.
Assist Level Mode setting Interface
Set Voltage settings
Set Voltage represents battery volt-
age&segment settings. 36V and 48V
are switchable. The default voltage is
5 voltage values of 36V or 48V must
be entered one by one. For example,
VOL 1 is first bar voltage value. The
default value is 41.5V.
To set battery power bar, press the “+”
or the “-” button to increase or de-
crease the value. To store a changed
setting and access the second bar,
press the “i” button.
Battery Settings Indicator Interface
After 5 voltage values are entered completely, press the “i” button to confirm and save the set
Speed Limit Settings
Speed Limit represents the limited
speed settings. When the current
speed is faster than speed limit, the
E-bike system will switch off automat-
ically. Speed limit range is 15Km/h to
To change basic settings, press the
“+” or the “-” button to increase or
decrease until the desired value is
To store a changed setting, Press the
“i” button. The default value is 27 Km/h.
Speed Limit Settings Interface