Also use white glue, and canopy glue or epoxy for the canopy and cowls
Some drilling and bending tools, wire cutter, safety goggles etc. etc.
For finishing you need:
Glass 25 gram or japan paper 12 gr 3mtr and PU dope or epoxy finish 1 litre, brushes
sanding paper 60,120,180, paint of your choice
Wheels as on the drawing, controls, motor, battery etc.
All vacuumformings should be roughened up before gluing and primed before painting
Check the pictures for additional information; a picture says more as a 1000 words so do
look at the pictures on the cd
Study the drawing and pictures to understand how the DH108 is build
Important ! Do mark all parts on the cnc sheets as per drawing there are a lot of parts that are looking
similar, so mark them clear
Number and Take out all parts and clean up the small tabs on the parts .
Start by following the described steps here,(see cd pictures also) , do not glue yet, this is the overview
of all steps for the basic airframe
Try to assemble as much without glue and place fuselage on the build support so it is straight and
level, use the back joiner 14mm in 1 piece sticking trough both sides to get as straight as possible, you