Glue ribs and main formers.
Place retract formers laminate a piece of 200gr glass between them for added strength , use white
glue or epoxy for this , place wing joiner as per drawing, Place R18 fill in bottom of retract formers to
get a good connection with the bottom sheeting.
Assembly on the sheeting , with the help former as it is a stiff set already , line it out and glue Main
former with medium ca to the sheeting as start then glue on till all is glued to the formers, place sub
leading edge to rib assembly sheet. Place some scrap balsa to ailevon at hinge position
Take of wing from building board , mark flaps and ailerons with your balsa knife sticking through the
bottom sheeting.
Place servos for ailevon we wrap them in cello tape and glue them to the wing sheeting with a 1,5mm
balsa doubler on the bottom sheeting and a 6x12 doubler at the top , sand flush with ribs.
, cut the servo arm openings and lead the wires through the openings.
sand all so there are no high spots and pin down the inner panel to the building board with help from
the 6x12 help former for the correct washout, pin down the wing at the X marked points.